So I recently just watched this Sci-fi, Action movie. Upon watching Star trek I felt cheated. It was short, so short infact I asked, "Is that it?" It was fairly slow paced, practically boring in some parts and over dramatic in others.(or at least trying be) Khan played by actor Benedict Cumberbatch a rising british actor (By rising I mean in the states. Whether or not he has been famous before his works in Sherlock and The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug. I have no clue.) Was without question the best part of the entire film. Thoroughly cunning and immersed into the character made Benedict fun to watch as always. If it not for him this movie surely would have been and even bigger flop in my opinion. Many of the actors character protrails seemed flat, one dimensional.
So overall the movie was not horrible just slowly past and flat characters with one exception. Some of the graphics did look like a video game, so many red shirts you hoping to die did not, suspension was not this movies strong suit. On the other side, Benedict was brilliant, action scenes were pretty cool and the massacre of captains and first lieutenants was pretty crazy.
My rating three out five stars.
There is more. More? More. I have theory. Solid? Maybe not. Awesome? Yes! What if Khan is really just Smaug and Sherlock? All betrayed by the same actor, the same personalities, and all in a time line that fits. Smaug, the dragon could have been brought back to life through a spell, Dragons upon thousands of living and learning human as well as other creature's knowledge could have provided a spell that heals after the death and in a way brings them back to life. He then could have disguised himself as some other being, changing his appearance throughout the years. One disguise being sherlock and as his life time comes to an end he changes into Khan at some point. Changing his name to protect himself from being discovered. Khan's race could also be other dragons. Dragons are known for having knowledge beyond humans, heal factors, extra strength and senses in human form as well as superiority complex. Thus my theory. Just something fun I thought of while watching the movie since there are some parts where your thoughts are far more entertaining than the movie.
Well Lunchtime and I hope you enjoyed my first official review and theory. Leave your opinions at the bottom nicely and as always have a good one!
Lantern Rabbit Reviews
Reviews for Recipies, Movies, Games and so much more.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Top Ten Cartoon Animal sidekicks.
Yes I know another list? Really? But I was recently watching an old cartoon I used to watch when I was like 12 and I couldn't help myself. The secret saturdays have so many animals and I thought it would be neat to do a list of my Favorite animal sidekicks. Plus if you look at it this way, you get to find shows with awesome animal sidekicks that you may never have heard before. I think it's a win win. So let's get started.
Going from not too bad to my favorite of all time, there are few more rules. No anime animal sidekicks of course that might be for another blog. The sidekick has to have at least some use and must compliment the main character in some way.
Number Ten: Fu dog From The American Dragon: Jake Long. So this sassy and yet lack luster hygiene worried shar-pei is full of agoo-goos and magical knowhow. He is only number ten because he can sometimes get in Jake's way and always seems to annoy you just a enough to where you don't hate him. He enjoys chasing after poodles and making everything smell. Fu dog is useful with his potion making abilities and knowledge of other creatures. But I say you could just take his book that has everything about any magical creature and leave him to stink up the bathroom of the shop after he ate a platter of burritos.
Going from not too bad to my favorite of all time, there are few more rules. No anime animal sidekicks of course that might be for another blog. The sidekick has to have at least some use and must compliment the main character in some way.
Number Ten: Fu dog From The American Dragon: Jake Long. So this sassy and yet lack luster hygiene worried shar-pei is full of agoo-goos and magical knowhow. He is only number ten because he can sometimes get in Jake's way and always seems to annoy you just a enough to where you don't hate him. He enjoys chasing after poodles and making everything smell. Fu dog is useful with his potion making abilities and knowledge of other creatures. But I say you could just take his book that has everything about any magical creature and leave him to stink up the bathroom of the shop after he ate a platter of burritos.

Well he can be pretty dog-on cute at times.
Number Nine: Rufus, Kim Possible. Okay so he's the sidekick of a sidekick. But he made an entire generation want to look up what a naked mole rat really looks like and if they love nacho's just as much as this little pink guy. He is like a little mini Ron and Kim get's along with him at times as if he was her own pet. Rufus has helped a number of times and I total loved future Rufus and still do.
I bet he lives good life in Ron's pocket.
Number Eight: Fiskerton aka Fisk, The Secret Saturdays. Okay Let me explain. This guy is so adorable I want a plushie of him with little goggles on him. He is very agile and strong. But let's face it. He is not much of a fighter and not someone you will be understand what he is saying anytime soon. Plus he seems to be pushed around a lot more than he is appreciated.
See isn't he adorable!?
Number Seven: Catbug, Bravest Warriors. Another little guy that is mostly on here for cuteness.(What? Don't give me that. Cute characters are among the best.) But besides being adorable as heck. He can travel to different dimensions in a flash. Granted he can't control it but once he brings back things and says he is home with his adorable voice you just want to pinch his cheeks! He compliments everyone in his own way, mostly Beth and Wallow. He also has this vicious cat instinct that can come up, we have yet to see it but I'm guessing it's something fiercely awesome! He has no shame in what he does and this guy just loves to have fun. But then again pretty much any creature mixed with a cat is adorable! Catbug just takes the brownies.
I will love you.....fooooreeeeveeeeeer.
Number Six: Bobo Haha, Generator Rex. Much like Fu dog he can be pretty smelly but I have not found a time where I wish he would get off the show. I actually wish he was shown a bit more and that he was stronger. He is getting constantly knocked around in any of the fights Rex and he are in together. Now weather it's because he is lazy or just the writers making him weak who knows because it most certainly not this monkey- sorry ape's shooting skills. Get him those plasma guns and he makes one sharpshooting ape with a fez. He is much like Rex's brother for much of the show. The way the two just encourage each other to just go for it make for one wild ride.
Let's face it he is one awesome sidekick.
Number Five: Viper, Kung fu panda. Often unnoticed and outshined by Tigress, Viper is actually far more skilled than some might think. She is often the one who takes down the enemies with fast strikes and precision. In the episode, Serpents tooth, Viper is given an overdue lead role. We see her determination, tenacity, and strength that has been hidden under her sweet as sugar personality. She can be a bit sarcastic at times but she is sweet, caring for her friends the way does. I find her to be the mother of the group if she was given a bigger role. Her design is beautiful and she balances Po in such a way Tigress can't that I find Viper to be a better side kick than the others.
Sugar, spice, and everything kick butt.
Number Four: Hector, Dragon Hunters. Okay this guy is the true definition of sidekick. He is often made to sharpen, clean, and pack the gangs weapons by Gwezdo. Who also give this furry blue dragon little respect. Hector love meat and like many dragons can blow fire, even if it is small. But then again Hector is tiny for his kind. How hector, Lian-chu, and Gwezdo met has always been a mystery but this little guy wold go through a lot of things for the two and like many sidekicks you have little to no idea what he is saying but he sure is fun to watch.
Seriously how could you not love this guy?
Number Three: Appa, Avatar the Last Airbender. Okay so if you have seen the show yo know why this big fellow is on here. Aang and he just have a connection. Appa will fight until the end for Aang and in a way Appa is kind of like a father to Aang the way he protects him even though Aang is more than capable to protect himself. Aang does help Appa through times when he is scared but you see the connection the most when the two are separated. It's just a beautiful thing these two have.
Tears just come pouring out when I see this picture!!
Number two: Okay im okay now. So what can top that? Well Tatsurian the unchained, aka Bob, Kaijudo: rise of the Duel Masters. Unlike Appa and Aang, Ray And bob had to learn to get along. They grew a relationship that we get to see grow into this deep understanding. Each Have had their own struggles and differences yet through that they have become the best of friends and Bob is the perfect sidekick no matter how headstrong or hotheaded he is. He is extremely useful in combat and for the most part can overcome challenges with Ray. He does know when to hold back Ray and Himself when he isn't in a bad mood which is most of the time. But over the show we have seen him grow softer towards Ray and that is just what I think a sidekick is. A best friend.
It also helps the fact that is awesome!!!
Number One: TOOTHLESS!!! From How to train your dragon. Much like Ray and bob These two have had to learn to trust each other. The fact that either one would risk their life for each other shows there bond. Toothless is also goofy and loving and adorable. The fact that he is the odd dragon out much like how Hiccup is the odd man out just makes these two inspiring. I could go one forever about Toothless but I'll spare you. Instead look at this picture of the adorable dragon!
Yeah that just says it all.
Well thank you for joining me in reading this list. I'll make this exit short since that was a pretty long list. As always leave suggestions and Have a good one!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Worst/Weird Pokemon Designs. (Part Four)
Not much to say about this region. I found the story to be okay, I have always wandered what happened to Cyrus after you stop his plan. I do how ever love Jun he was probably the best part besides the pokemon of this region. So with out further ado let's get to the list.
Number One: Drapion. I never understood this one. I was excited to see a scorpion pokemon even if skorupi's design was not very strong I was hoping it would evolve into something better. That did not happen of course. Drapion's light and dark purple with spots of blue is most certainly not the best palette. I also thought it would be a poison, rock type, but it looks more like a deform onix, or a lumpy inflatable.....I have no idea how to explain it. It is by far the worst poison pokemon design I've seen.

So why are his arms on his head?
Number Two: Abomasnow the worst typed pokemon ever! But typing is not all that's wrong with this tree snowman pokemon. His design both as Snover and evolved even through mega is um....hmmm Weird, worst grass type ever?...Yeah worst grass pokemon next to Cacturne. Sinnoh had a surprising lack of good grass type's besides the starter Torterra. All that can really say is this guy was a disappointment.

Sorry, not even fan art can save you now.
Number Three: Burmy...yes everyone I'm sure saw this coming. Along with the disappointing grass pokemon of this region burmy is in that group. He is number three because Wormadam is not too horrible, but the fact that it looks like it has cartoon poop on it's head and that mothim creeps me out puts this guy at number three.

Well all I have to say to you Burmy, stop dressing up in trash.
Number Four: Bronzong, where are your eyes? I mean first a bronzor it has yellow eyes but those are gong, hehehe, and now it looks like it has two sets of eyes. I ha-mm this design both of Bronzong and Bronzor baffle me. I thought Bronzor was a clock and then Bronzong becomes a bell with arms on top of it's head? I'm just so confused about this guy. Although he does have a cool typing and the design on his back is pretty cool.

I must admit you are not horrible and you get some cool fan art.
Number Five: Hippowdon. Pfft I'll just ditch the camo, grow long toenails, angry red eyes and call it good. NO!! NO HIPPOWDON! I loved Hippopotas, my little Potato(Literally named him that) why did you become so ugly?.....It was so sad...Hippowdon has an awesome name why couldn't he have an awesome design to go with it?

Oh well, I still love you.
Well there is my Sinnoh list. Thank you for reading. Also some honorable mentions, Toxicroak, Garchomp, Bibarel, Kricketune, and Cherrim. Any suggestions? Leave them in the comments and it just might be in my next blog. Up next is the Unova region, oh deerling we are getting close to the end aren't we? Well as always have a good one!

Monday, May 12, 2014
Worst/ Weird Pokemon Designs. (Part Three)
My favorite region, full of water, lava, diving under water, and unique pokemons. So Let's begin this list! I hope I can find enough pokemon well good it is only 5 I have to choose.
Number One: Ludicolo the carefree pokemon who loves to dance....Hmmm So what exactly is it? I know Lotad was based on a lily pad but how did that turn it this...poncho wearing duck? Or is it a cactus? Um I Have no idea. Anyway Lotad okay pretty cute, Lombre....What the heck happened!? Ludicolo. Cool name. That's all I got.
OAO It's kind of...Ummm. Weird.
Number Two: Shiftry the Samurai of wind! So I understand Shiftry...Kind of. I do not understand the ears that came all of a sudden or the long nose. Over all Shiftry is a mess of shapes. He is number two because nuzleaf and seedot are pretty awesome. I Would totally be catching a ton of those if they didn't evolve into this guy. Shiftry, weird name, worst design for a grass type ever. Man, maybe that's why the guy who is clearly so angry his hands are forever leaves that his luscious locks turned white is so weird looking.
Murderous intent all over that tree's face!
Number three: Slaking aka the Bread beast. Him and his loafing around. Why!? He is so strong and vigoroth's design was amazing...NO! I am not granted with happiness and this thing come out like a gorilla with hooves for feet and head band thing and it's heart shaped pig nose. It disgusts me the way it taunts me with it's evil glare and forever scratching it's stomach or chest or BWAAAAAH!!! WHY!? My only love and reason why it was below shiftry and ludicolo was Vigoroth's and Slakoth's designs.
Slaking, Get out of my life.
Number Four: Okay! Now that Slaking thing is over let's move on. Grumpig, I was torn between this guy and Swalot but let's face it, even though gulpin is not the best at least when he evolves your're not stuck with something confusing and just awkward. Grumpig looks like it has olives on it's head paired with bat ears on either side and colors that look entirely different from what you would have thought they would be. His arms look awkwardly slapped on and it's tail....why so pink?
Look on the bright side, you no longer have to bounce to stay alive Grumpig.
Number Five: Whiscash. Horrible name and Horrible design. Okay not as bad as other's but really the only love this guy gets is because he's a tank! Take that away and you got the beedy eyes, weird swollen mouth with turkey gobble things on the end, a lighting bolt on it's head...Just ugh. It's overall body shape isn't bad (unlike bulging thighs grumpig) but still...No thank you.
Seriously will we never know what's wrong with his mouth?
Well That was interesting....As much as I love the hoenn region the pokemon I dislike there....I really despise. So Sinnoh is next. I Hope you enjoyed this list as well. I always find it interesting to learn other people's opinions so feel free to leave your top five Weird Hoenn pokemon down in the comments. Have a good one!
Worst/Weird Pokemon Designs. (Part Two)
Thank you for joining me again to see what I believe are the Worst/ Weird Designs for the Johto region. I do have a list for Kanto so go check that out some time if you'd like. Rules? 5 only going from the Worst to the not so bad. I do Consider every pokemon in the evolutionary line not just on that single pokemon. So without further ado my top five for Johto!
Number One: Jumpluff....A floating Blueberry with mold on it? Okay? Let's just think about this for a second. First Hoppip is pink, then Skiploom is Green....and now we have Jumpluff who is blue? How does that work? Plus it's grass and flying type an odd typing. Jumpluff also looks kind of evil with those red eyes. Maybe team rocket should catch some of these then they would have an evil league of Jumpluffs.

I would not want to see it on fire...oh wait.
Number Two: Hoothoot and Noctowl. Yes Both of the Pokemon in the evolutionary chain. I Would have chosen one but I just thought they both deserve this. Starting with Hoothoot. The first time I saw this bird I thought it was possessed. The big red eyes, two feet so close together they look like one, the emo makeup on it's eyes, and horns? I freaked out to say the least. I avoided it like the plague! Then I saw Noctowl. Oh! That's pretty cool it looks egyptian, though it looks bald It's kind of cool. So I caught it thinking it was one of those pokemon that didn't evolve. It was a pretty good pokemon especially if hypnosis hits and keeps your enemy asleep this bird was a beast. Then one day looking at the interwebs I saw Noctowl actually evolves from Hoothoot.....That was a dark day for me.
I would not want this outside my window at night.
Number Three: Sunflora, pretty name, different from any pokemon design I've yet to see. But there are flaws, not counting it's horrible stats...What is wrong with it's feet!? The feet of this cheerful plant nearly kill the appeal to it. Never opening eyes, no one who knows anime trust those characters with closed eyes. Sunflora's proportions are also unpleasant to look at and the lines on it's face make it look like a tennis ball.

As awesome as you could have been I have to say I'm sorry.
Number Four: Smeargle. So you know that dog looking pokemon with the lion like tail that has green goop on the tip? That would be this guy. Probably one of the most Useless pokemon in the game. I caught once, falling for it's cute hat and ears. No! Useless plus it has such a sad looking palette of colors on it. The rings on it's arms do not make sense and it only knows one move. It's just sad. If any pokemon deserves and evolution it's this art loving pup.

Please gamefreak give this little guy some love!
Number Five: The last one on my johto list goes to Forretress, Pineco not horrible and I was hoping he would get a steel bug masterpiece of an evolution....No....We got a red thing that looks like it went to the moon covered itself in some moon pieces and came back to earth to just disappoint me. Enough said about this guy.
At least Ferroseed made up for this disappointing rock.
So That's it. Johto has been covered and I had fun. I Hope you enjoyed my list and sorry if I bagged on your favorite, this is just my opinion and everyone has their own. Hoenn region is next! My favorite region. Also if you have any suggestions for me to review go ahead and tell me. You might just see it in my next blog. Also Leave Your top Five worst designs for Johto in the comments. I sure would like to see your opinion. Have a good one!
Worst/ Weird Pokemon Designs. (Part One)
Okay since this is my first post let me explain, Why I chose to do Worst/ Weird Pokemon Designs. Well I am a big fan of pokemon and I know the games and anime inside and out. So I thought I would start with something I know best! I have been wanting to do something like this for a while now. So without further ado my choices for the Worst or Weird pokemon Designs.
We Will be going by region since I did not want to leave so many out. Later on I think I will narrow it down to my top ten but for now let's start off with 5 for each region.
The first and most popular region has a lot of good solid designs but there are a few strange ones in there.
Number one: Mr. Mime. Now I would have chosen Jinx for being the weirder one but the fact that Mr. Mime is a Mister even if the gender is a girl, it has a cute pre-evolution, and it just looks flat out creepy, pushes Mr. Mime to the top of this Region's Worst/ Weird Pokemon Designs.

We Will be going by region since I did not want to leave so many out. Later on I think I will narrow it down to my top ten but for now let's start off with 5 for each region.
The first and most popular region has a lot of good solid designs but there are a few strange ones in there.
Number one: Mr. Mime. Now I would have chosen Jinx for being the weirder one but the fact that Mr. Mime is a Mister even if the gender is a girl, it has a cute pre-evolution, and it just looks flat out creepy, pushes Mr. Mime to the top of this Region's Worst/ Weird Pokemon Designs.

Careful, He might eat your children at night.
Number two: Poliwrath. Okay there is just so much wrong with this evolution chain.One Poliwag and Poliwhirl are adorable then this thing comes marching in looking like an angry beefed up Poliwhirl. Underwhelming, it looks like he stole his gloves from Mario. Now if Politoed was the main evolution of Poliwhirl by using an item like a Lily Pad that would have made total sense. Plus Politoed in my opinion is adorable. But wait why is this number two if you think the other evolutions are adorable...well it's because they are so cute that pushes Poliwrath's design to be all the weirder.

So this beefed up frog with abs and mario gloves.

Or this adorable and clearly lover of rainbows toad?
Number Three: Machamp...Yeah pretty much explains it all. This guy would be my number two if I did not have Poliwrath on here. So my reason for putting him below Poliwrath? Machoke. Machoke is actually a nice and pretty cool design. I love machoke, in fact he is one of my favorite fighting types. So when I saw what Machoke becomes I was disappointed. Luckily for many you can pretty much prevent Machoke from evolving and still have a pretty powerful pokemon, if you use him right. Not so much with Poliwhirl evolution is necessary for him. Plus at least you can see Machamp's mouth even if it looks like a Beedrill hit them with poison sting to make them swell up.

Yeeeeeeeeah.....I'll just keep my Machoke thank you.
Number Four: Getting close to the end of Worst/ Weird designs for Kanto and this is one pokemon I could not leave off, Magmar....mmm yes. You Magmar...I see on so many lists Jinx, but no one seems to notice the fact that Magmar looks like Psyduck caught on fire with those duck lips! Then it looks like there is a butt that is on fire over his eyes. Magmar also looks like a mishmash of Charizard and Nidoking but really, really ugly. He is only number four because well, Magby and Magmortar are solid and pretty neat designs. So as long as you trade this thing to get a pokemon for canons for arms I think he's worth it.

Poor guy he just wants someone to love him.
Number Five: DRUMROLL PLEASE! We are at the end for the Kanto worst pokemon Designs and my choice for that pokemon? Hypno. So who saw this guy nosing his way in? Hahaha Nose joke. Any way. Why is he number five when he is uglier than even magmar? Well the fact that he steals children, eats dreams, and Drowzee. I actual like Drowzee's design, Hypno not so much. But if you had to hypnotize people into being your friend you best be ugly! He fits his creepy psychic roll very well. I mean would you want this guy reaching inside your dreams and eating them? I don't think so!

So I hope you enjoyed my list and soon I'll have up Worst/Weird Pokemon Designs for Johto. Oh this is going to be fun! If you have any suggestions for what you want me to review just contact me and I'll look into it. I review games, books, shows, movies, and recipes. Keeping things for a general audience I look forward to what you suggest. Also what are your top five worst designs for kanto list? Leave that in the comments and have a good one! Thank you for reading!

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